Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

RM YOUNG AQ Wind Monitor Meets EPA - PSD Model 05305

Wind Monitor

Meets EPA - PSD

Model 05305

The Wind Monitor-AQ is a high resolution wind sensor for air quality applications. It combines low threshold, fast response and excellent fidelity to meet important regulatory standards.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD).

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23 Meteorological Programs in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.

American Nuclear Society Standard for Determining Meteorological Information at Power Plants.

Wind speed is sensed by a lightweight, carbon fiber thermoplastic (CFT), helicoid propeller. The wind direction sensor is a lightweight, balanced vane. The instrument body is UV stabilized plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum fittings. The instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. The Wind Monitor-AQ is available with two additional output signal options:Model 05305Voffers calibrated voltage outputs. Model 05305L provides 4-20 mA current signals.


Wind speed: 0-50 m/s (112 mph)
Azimuth: 0-360˚
Wind speed: ±0.2 m/s (0.4 mph) or 1% of reading
Wind direction: ±3 degrees
Propeller: 0.4 m/s (.9 mph) Vane: 0.5 m/s (1.0 mph) at 10˚
Signal Output:
Wind speed: magnetically induced AC voltage, 3 pulses per revolution. 1800 rpm (90 Hz) = 9.2 m/s (20.6 mph) Azimuth: analog DC voltage from conductive plastic potentiometer resistance, 10K Ω, linearity 0.25%, life expectancy, 50 million revolutions
Power Requirement:
Potentiometer excitation: 15 VDC maximum
Overall: 38 cm (15.0 in) H x 65 cm (25.6 in) L, Propeller dia.: 20 cm (7.9 in)
Mounting: 34 mm (1.34 in) diameter (standard 1 inch pipe)
Sensor weight: 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs), Shipping weight: 2.3 kg (5 lbs)

MODEL 05305V Voltage outputs
Power Requirement: 8-24 VDC (5 mA @ 12 VDC)
Output Signals: WS: 0-2.5 VDC (0-50 m/s) WD: 0-5 VDC (0-360˚)

MODEL 05305L 4-20 mA outputs
Power Requirement: 8-30 VDC (40 mA max.)
Output Signals: 4-20 mA full scale

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